Prodromal signs of mania or hypomania

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September 21, 2017 - 11:50 pm
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Total Posts: 45
Joined: 11-28-2013
So I have found over the years that the best way to stave off mania is to know your prodromal symptoms, which are the symptoms you get before the actual episode starts. It really is helpful to write down these signs and familiarize yourself with your pre-symptoms. For me I'll notice that my energy levels go up and my sleep becomes nonexistent. These are red flags which mean I have to seek help, talk with my doc, etc.

"Effective Prevention: it is during the prodromal phase that the train has only just begun to leave the station and you have most control over your fate. That's why its important to prepare yourself to recognize even the mildest symptoms of mania."

Spam? Offensive?
September 21, 2017 - 11:50 pm
So I have found over the years that the best way to stave off mania is to know your prodromal symptoms, which are the symptoms you get before the actual episode starts. It really is helpful to write down these signs and familiarize yourself with your pre-symptoms. For me I'll notice that my energy levels go up and my sleep becomes nonexistent. These are red flags which mean I have to seek help, talk with my doc, etc.

"Effective Prevention: it is during the prodromal phase that the train has only just begun to leave the station and you have most control over your fate. That's why its important to prepare yourself to recognize even the mildest symptoms of mania."


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