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August 19, 2010 - 6:10 am
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Total Posts: 10
Joined: 08-11-2010
My baby leaves for the university in 6 days. She has BP. SHe was diagnosed in 3rd grade, I was diagnosed at 51. SHe is amazing. At 18 she already has 2 years of college credit from duel enrollment. This helps us to afford paying for a dorm experience and the college of her choice and not having to just choose from local universities. My son (autistic) enters his senior year and is a biology major with a chem minor (the guy got an A- in organic chemistry). With all of the challenges I am happy to know that my children are moving forward with their lives. Hurrah

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August 19, 2010 - 6:10 am
My baby leaves for the university in 6 days. She has BP. SHe was diagnosed in 3rd grade, I was diagnosed at 51. SHe is amazing. At 18 she already has 2 years of college credit from duel enrollment. This helps us to afford paying for a dorm experience and the college of her choice and not having to just choose from local universities. My son (autistic) enters his senior year and is a biology major with a chem minor (the guy got an A- in organic chemistry). With all of the challenges I am happy to know that my children are moving forward with their lives. Hurrah

August 23, 2010 - 11:39 pm
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Total Posts: 20
Joined: 12-17-2004
Wow! That's awesome! Thanks for sharing. :-)

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August 23, 2010 - 11:39 pm
Wow! That's awesome! Thanks for sharing. :-)

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