
Warning: The messages in this forum are the personal views and opinions of individuals. NEVER act on any advice or opinion posted in this forum without FIRST checking with your personal physician! Mood Tracker Web Media, LLC is not obligated to check forum postings for accuracy nor does it endorse the opinions of any person using the forum.
February 9, 2014 - 12:26 pm
Spam? Offensive?
Total Posts: 1
Joined: 02-01-2014
Was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia (severe), & depression (severe) when I was 15-16 years old.

Here is what I do / what I recommend to keep yourself functioning better then most normal people in the world today.

1. Meditate almost everyday with music & other times with guided meditations on youtube.
2. Keep a notepad / journal on the computer at all times to write down whats going on in your head.
3. Use positive affirmations / positive thinking / gratitude in the journal.
4. Have motivational posters in your room, Keep a clean room/space, Have a plant on your desk.
5. Try and do something nice for someone (even strangers) whenever you can .
6. Stop watching television
7. Sign up to a prayer community online and get prayers and pay for other people (good karma)
8. Take your medication + research things like omega 3 fish oil, niacin.
9. Get your vitamin levels checked for any vitamin deficiency's (b12, and D mostly)
10. Research positive thinking and Gratitude if u haven't already.
11. Try self hypnosis (free on youtube)
12. Work towards goals (use hypnosis to help you) big goals and small goals.
13. CBT (Cognitive behavioral therapy) - free stuff all over the internet about it.
14. Take up reading , try reading some self help e books online.

Spam? Offensive?
February 9, 2014 - 12:26 pm
Was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia (severe), & depression (severe) when I was 15-16 years old.

Here is what I do / what I recommend to keep yourself functioning better then most normal people in the world today.

1. Meditate almost everyday with music & other times with guided meditations on youtube.
2. Keep a notepad / journal on the computer at all times to write down whats going on in your head.
3. Use positive affirmations / positive thinking / gratitude in the journal.
4. Have motivational posters in your room, Keep a clean room/space, Have a plant on your desk.
5. Try and do something nice for someone (even strangers) whenever you can .
6. Stop watching television
7. Sign up to a prayer community online and get prayers and pay for other people (good karma)
8. Take your medication + research things like omega 3 fish oil, niacin.
9. Get your vitamin levels checked for any vitamin deficiency's (b12, and D mostly)
10. Research positive thinking and Gratitude if u haven't already.
11. Try self hypnosis (free on youtube)
12. Work towards goals (use hypnosis to help you) big goals and small goals.
13. CBT (Cognitive behavioral therapy) - free stuff all over the internet about it.
14. Take up reading , try reading some self help e books online.

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