
Warning: The messages in this forum are the personal views and opinions of individuals. NEVER act on any advice or opinion posted in this forum without FIRST checking with your personal physician! Mood Tracker Web Media, LLC is not obligated to check forum postings for accuracy nor does it endorse the opinions of any person using the forum.
December 12, 2016 - 4:50 pm
Spam? Offensive?
Total Posts: 3
Joined: 09-17-2016
Hey guys,

I'm a 32 yo male. Been on almost every AD and lots of the psych meds. Had a depressive episode with ultra-fast cycling (severe depression to severe agitation). That's when we started zyprexa, then lamictal.

To the 20mg trintellix and 150mg lamictal, my dr just added 50mg IR Wellbutrin twice daily. I'm definitely feeling more energy but still having some of the brain fog and malaise. Thinking it has to do with the lamictal or trintellix.

Does anyone have experience with lowering either of these. The wellbutrin feels like a godsend, and we may push it up a little in a week.


Spam? Offensive?
December 12, 2016 - 4:50 pm
Hey guys,

I'm a 32 yo male. Been on almost every AD and lots of the psych meds. Had a depressive episode with ultra-fast cycling (severe depression to severe agitation). That's when we started zyprexa, then lamictal.

To the 20mg trintellix and 150mg lamictal, my dr just added 50mg IR Wellbutrin twice daily. I'm definitely feeling more energy but still having some of the brain fog and malaise. Thinking it has to do with the lamictal or trintellix.

Does anyone have experience with lowering either of these. The wellbutrin feels like a godsend, and we may push it up a little in a week.


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