I rarely lose my appetite

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August 21, 2011 - 2:46 pm
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I often hear that depression leads to loss of appetite but for me it just generates self destructive eating. Mania is supposed to reduce appetite too, but I find that in a state of lowered inhibitions and high compulsions I once again trend towards eating for pleasure rather than nutrition. I do sleep a lot less with mania and am more tired with depression though. I binge when I am depressed and I eat sporadically (but crappy food) when I am hypomanic or manic.

Does anyone else find that their appetite /eating behavior isn't the way it is "supposed" to be? In fact, I know my meds are working and I am doing okay when I can eat sanely for weeks at a time.

I am a woman and currently probably 15-20 lbs overweight but I have always had trouble with food and eating disorders. I've been everywhere from 100+ pounds overweight to 30+ under in my lifetime. Could it just be my relationship with food that makes it different for me maybe?

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August 21, 2011 - 2:46 pm
I often hear that depression leads to loss of appetite but for me it just generates self destructive eating. Mania is supposed to reduce appetite too, but I find that in a state of lowered inhibitions and high compulsions I once again trend towards eating for pleasure rather than nutrition. I do sleep a lot less with mania and am more tired with depression though. I binge when I am depressed and I eat sporadically (but crappy food) when I am hypomanic or manic.

Does anyone else find that their appetite /eating behavior isn't the way it is "supposed" to be? In fact, I know my meds are working and I am doing okay when I can eat sanely for weeks at a time.

I am a woman and currently probably 15-20 lbs overweight but I have always had trouble with food and eating disorders. I've been everywhere from 100+ pounds overweight to 30+ under in my lifetime. Could it just be my relationship with food that makes it different for me maybe?

August 21, 2011 - 4:26 pm
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Same here. I overeat when I am depressed. Part of it due to staying home more and lack of inactivity to distract me from the binges. I never seem to have a lack of appetite, in mania or depression.

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August 21, 2011 - 4:26 pm
Same here. I overeat when I am depressed. Part of it due to staying home more and lack of inactivity to distract me from the binges. I never seem to have a lack of appetite, in mania or depression.

August 21, 2011 - 7:46 pm
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Actually, depression causes one just to change eating habits, which could be eating less or more. Eating more is commonl, and what I tend to do as well unless I am practically catatonic. So not to worry, you are quite normal to eat more when depressed.

Your weight swing is more concerning. I think that might signify a food relationship issue which I think all of us overweight people have. For me, I eat when I am stressed, board, depressed, happy and in social settings. I am trying hard to deal with those things right now and have found that I have traded one semi-addiction (food) for another. Now I spend too much time on the internet!

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August 21, 2011 - 7:46 pm
Actually, depression causes one just to change eating habits, which could be eating less or more. Eating more is commonl, and what I tend to do as well unless I am practically catatonic. So not to worry, you are quite normal to eat more when depressed.

Your weight swing is more concerning. I think that might signify a food relationship issue which I think all of us overweight people have. For me, I eat when I am stressed, board, depressed, happy and in social settings. I am trying hard to deal with those things right now and have found that I have traded one semi-addiction (food) for another. Now I spend too much time on the internet!

August 29, 2011 - 8:45 pm
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Oh yes, I have a lifelong messy relationship with food. I kicked cigarettes two years ago and the next rest of my life will be working on that food part. Quitting smoking is easier in some ways, you just don't smoke. ;) (I make light of it but it was very hard, smoked for almost 20 years).

Thanks for the encrouragement, I appreciate it!

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August 29, 2011 - 8:45 pm
Oh yes, I have a lifelong messy relationship with food. I kicked cigarettes two years ago and the next rest of my life will be working on that food part. Quitting smoking is easier in some ways, you just don't smoke. ;) (I make light of it but it was very hard, smoked for almost 20 years).

Thanks for the encrouragement, I appreciate it!

August 30, 2011 - 7:32 pm
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Joined: 08-29-2011
I have an insatiable appetite mostly due to medication. It makes my depression much worse because I worry about gaining weight. My healthy weight is about 115 and I have been up to 205 because of binging just to try to satisfy my hunger. Also I have PMDD which does not help in the least with either. I can say that fish oil has helped me a lot to bring me out of the depression and therefore help me control my appetite. It also helps with the mood swings and lessens my PMDD symptoms. I am a big advocate for the addition of fish oil especially when medication doesn't seem to help too much and the side effects from medication are hard to deal with also.

Medications for July 31, 2011 to August 30, 2011
08-29-2011 - Present:Xanax, .5.As needed
08-29-2011 - Present:Fish Oil, 1200 mg.Once per day
08-29-2011 - Present:Depakote, 750 mg.Once per day

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August 30, 2011 - 7:32 pm
I have an insatiable appetite mostly due to medication. It makes my depression much worse because I worry about gaining weight. My healthy weight is about 115 and I have been up to 205 because of binging just to try to satisfy my hunger. Also I have PMDD which does not help in the least with either. I can say that fish oil has helped me a lot to bring me out of the depression and therefore help me control my appetite. It also helps with the mood swings and lessens my PMDD symptoms. I am a big advocate for the addition of fish oil especially when medication doesn't seem to help too much and the side effects from medication are hard to deal with also.

Medications for July 31, 2011 to August 30, 2011
08-29-2011 - Present:Xanax, .5.As needed
08-29-2011 - Present:Fish Oil, 1200 mg.Once per day
08-29-2011 - Present:Depakote, 750 mg.Once per day

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