I just wanted to thank you for creating this site. It's awesome to be able to record online my moods so that I can get the proper diagnosis and treatment.
Thank you!
This site is very well thought out and I will be telling everyone about it. I would like to say thanks.
I just wanted to tell you how happy I am that you have made this mood tracker available to use online. It is wonderful. I have been trying to keep track of my moods to take care of my bipolar illness for the past 12 years. This is the easiest way of doing it that I have ever come across. Thanks.
I just want to thank you for making this program available. It has been one of the best things for my treatment.
This site is great! Thanks for being such a good resource. Having the ability to chart moods so easily and then being able to see instantly any patterns is an invaluable tool.
This is the website I've been looking for. I think it's a great idea.
I love this site. I have recommended it to my counselor and doctor. They love it too! It's a great tool.
Thank you so much for providing this online service. It has helped a lot in the treatment of both mine and my son's Bipolar Disorder. Thank you again so much.
Thank you so much for this website! I just signed up. I think the level of detail and the sensitivity to the subject that you've provided is amazing. Congratulations!
Thank you for offering such a wonderful site. This has proved to be a tremendous help to me and my Dr.
MoodTracker has been a real blessing! It's made it infinitely easier to track the ups and downs of my bipolar disorder in a way that helps me and my psychiatrist figure out how to control it better. I couldn't get this kind of overview from the paper calendar I was using to track things. MoodTracker has made a real difference in my life. I recommend it to anyone -- and have done so, and will continue to do so.
Thank you for this valuable tool. I have been using MoodTracker for two years and it has been very helpful as an adjunct in my treatment for major depression.
I am now at a stage of recovery where I have no further need for using MoodTracker. Thank you.
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