I feel like a zombie

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May 31, 2013 - 10:38 am
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Total Posts: 1
Joined: 05-22-2013
So I've been taking 1mg alprazolam once a day(twice if I was having a really bad day) for about 5 days now. Not even sure how I ended up on it as I was at the doctor for stomach pain but ended up having a panic attack in the office(urgent care center) when every other person that had walked in after me had been called back to be seen and I'd sat there for over an hour doubled over in pain. Anyway...for the first few days it seemed to be ok but I was pretty tired. I figured it would go away after a day or 2 once my system was used to the meds. But, rather then getting better it seems to be getting worse. started crying this am because it was raining and I had planed on taking a walk today cause I thought maybe some exercise would help. I can't keep this up though. I go to bed already 2 hours earlier then I used to still get up at the same time to get my kid on the bus but then its right back to sleep for 2 or 3 more hours. Will this ever lvl out? I'd almost rather still be angry and anxious all the time then a walking zombie.

Medications for May 1, 2013 to May 31, 2013
05-26-2013 - Present:alprazolam, 1 mg.once daily

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May 31, 2013 - 10:38 am
So I've been taking 1mg alprazolam once a day(twice if I was having a really bad day) for about 5 days now. Not even sure how I ended up on it as I was at the doctor for stomach pain but ended up having a panic attack in the office(urgent care center) when every other person that had walked in after me had been called back to be seen and I'd sat there for over an hour doubled over in pain. Anyway...for the first few days it seemed to be ok but I was pretty tired. I figured it would go away after a day or 2 once my system was used to the meds. But, rather then getting better it seems to be getting worse. started crying this am because it was raining and I had planed on taking a walk today cause I thought maybe some exercise would help. I can't keep this up though. I go to bed already 2 hours earlier then I used to still get up at the same time to get my kid on the bus but then its right back to sleep for 2 or 3 more hours. Will this ever lvl out? I'd almost rather still be angry and anxious all the time then a walking zombie.

Medications for May 1, 2013 to May 31, 2013
05-26-2013 - Present:alprazolam, 1 mg.once daily

August 17, 2013 - 5:53 pm
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Total Posts: 6
Joined: 08-15-2013
I was a walking Zombie in my past.The Doctor put me on Risperdal I forget how many mgs. But It was like I didn't care and I was in a zone where I felt like I was outside of my Body.Now I am taking Abilify5mg which worked but put on the pounds and inches to my waist so I will stop taking it in another week and a Half and then I will be on this new Drug Which I have started taking August 15,2013 Loxapine 5mg and Lexapro.I am weening off gradually off the Abilify so right now I take three meds two being antipsychotic meds and the other a antidepressant.I was Evil in my past but that seems like a very long time ago in fact it was just 7 years ago.I seen Demons and other Ungodly creatures and things that were there in my mind at the time and no one else was seeing these things but me that's what I didn't understand at the time.I was only hospitalized once for threatening to kill myself and hurt other people who hurt me.Now life couldn't get any better for me or worse Because I have been to hell and through hell and back again.And lived to tell about it if you know what I mean.Everyone has problems no one is perfect far from it.I got through my life and no longer cut with a Knife what does that accomplish other than cause ugly scars.We all have them some are on the outside and some of us are scarred on the inside.I look at my scars and wonder what have I done but its too late.My Scars tell a Story of how miserable I was and tell the story of my past of who I was and no longer am that person.I thank God for bringing me out of the darkness and into the Light.

Current medications as of 08-17-2013
09-05-2003 - Present: Abilify, 5mg. once at bedtime
09-05-2003 - Present: Lexapro, 20mg. once at Bedtime
08-15-2013 - Present: Loxapine, 5mg. once at bedtime
08-16-2013 - Present: Mega Red Krill Oil, 300mg. once a day

Spam? Offensive?
August 17, 2013 - 5:53 pm
I was a walking Zombie in my past.The Doctor put me on Risperdal I forget how many mgs. But It was like I didn't care and I was in a zone where I felt like I was outside of my Body.Now I am taking Abilify5mg which worked but put on the pounds and inches to my waist so I will stop taking it in another week and a Half and then I will be on this new Drug Which I have started taking August 15,2013 Loxapine 5mg and Lexapro.I am weening off gradually off the Abilify so right now I take three meds two being antipsychotic meds and the other a antidepressant.I was Evil in my past but that seems like a very long time ago in fact it was just 7 years ago.I seen Demons and other Ungodly creatures and things that were there in my mind at the time and no one else was seeing these things but me that's what I didn't understand at the time.I was only hospitalized once for threatening to kill myself and hurt other people who hurt me.Now life couldn't get any better for me or worse Because I have been to hell and through hell and back again.And lived to tell about it if you know what I mean.Everyone has problems no one is perfect far from it.I got through my life and no longer cut with a Knife what does that accomplish other than cause ugly scars.We all have them some are on the outside and some of us are scarred on the inside.I look at my scars and wonder what have I done but its too late.My Scars tell a Story of how miserable I was and tell the story of my past of who I was and no longer am that person.I thank God for bringing me out of the darkness and into the Light.

Current medications as of 08-17-2013
09-05-2003 - Present: Abilify, 5mg. once at bedtime
09-05-2003 - Present: Lexapro, 20mg. once at Bedtime
08-15-2013 - Present: Loxapine, 5mg. once at bedtime
08-16-2013 - Present: Mega Red Krill Oil, 300mg. once a day

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