Sleep, don't want to...

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April 18, 2011 - 1:16 pm
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Total Posts: 3
Joined: 03-26-2011
I don't want to go to sleep at night because

1. It's the only time I have to myself for more then ten minuets at a time.
2. It's quiet, it's the least stressful and rage, anger, and hate ridden part of my day/night.
3. The only time I feel "good" is at night when my son and husband are sleeping.
4. It's the only time, or at least, the main time I don't absolutely hate my life as a mother and wife.

I know sleep is necessary and a vital part in keeping my moods regulated, but I don't want to sleep for all of the above reasons, does anyone else out there feel this way.

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April 18, 2011 - 1:16 pm
I don't want to go to sleep at night because

1. It's the only time I have to myself for more then ten minuets at a time.
2. It's quiet, it's the least stressful and rage, anger, and hate ridden part of my day/night.
3. The only time I feel "good" is at night when my son and husband are sleeping.
4. It's the only time, or at least, the main time I don't absolutely hate my life as a mother and wife.

I know sleep is necessary and a vital part in keeping my moods regulated, but I don't want to sleep for all of the above reasons, does anyone else out there feel this way.

April 18, 2011 - 2:41 pm
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Joined: 12-23-2010
I can relate to what your saying. Sometimes I wish that I could do all the cleaning, pay my bills, do laundry, watch what I want on tv all while everyone in the house is asleep. When I was a stay at home mom I did do that. Now that I'm working I can't afford to miss my sleep. Even now that I've been back to work for almost a year, I lay in bed awake while my husband snores, contemplating the things I could get up and do. I know I go through sleep cycles because like the past few weeks I can't sleep, but I can feel the change when I just can't get enough sleep.

You're not alone. It sounds like you should carve out a little time in the day to relax, and destress. I know that's not always an option, but it's worth a try. Maybe even going for a walk alone, focusing on the trees, the sky, the smells you smell, the things you hear. My therapist calls it being mindful. It helps. Don't lose hope.

God bless you.

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April 18, 2011 - 2:41 pm
I can relate to what your saying. Sometimes I wish that I could do all the cleaning, pay my bills, do laundry, watch what I want on tv all while everyone in the house is asleep. When I was a stay at home mom I did do that. Now that I'm working I can't afford to miss my sleep. Even now that I've been back to work for almost a year, I lay in bed awake while my husband snores, contemplating the things I could get up and do. I know I go through sleep cycles because like the past few weeks I can't sleep, but I can feel the change when I just can't get enough sleep.

You're not alone. It sounds like you should carve out a little time in the day to relax, and destress. I know that's not always an option, but it's worth a try. Maybe even going for a walk alone, focusing on the trees, the sky, the smells you smell, the things you hear. My therapist calls it being mindful. It helps. Don't lose hope.

God bless you.

April 19, 2011 - 4:48 pm
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Total Posts: 216
Joined: 03-26-2011
Agreed... I don't sleep well for all the above reasons. So my wife found me a girlfriend, and now the appeal of being in bed with two women makes sleeping worthwhile

Every day is a battle.
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April 19, 2011 - 4:48 pm
Agreed... I don't sleep well for all the above reasons. So my wife found me a girlfriend, and now the appeal of being in bed with two women makes sleeping worthwhile

Every day is a battle.

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